Annarosa Bernicchia e Sergio Pérez Gorjón, Corticiaceae s.l., Ed. Candusso, 2010

96,00 [92,31 + I.V.A.]

The aim of the present work is to survey and describe all the Corticiaceae s.l. recorded till now in Italy…

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Edizione Candusso, Alassio (SV), 2010 Collana Fungi Europaei, #12
Collaborazione Luigi Arras Illustrazioni 427 fotografie a colori e 455 disegni in B/N
N. Volumi 1 N. Pagine 1008
Dimensioni 19 x 24,5 x 5,5 cm. Peso 2,72 kg.


he aim of the present work is to survey and describe all the Corticiaceae s.l. recorded till now in Italy. In addition, we have listed and keyed out all the corticioid fungi present in Europe and adjacent areas (822 species) with the exception of the tomentelloid fungi (Amaurodon, Pseudotomentella, and Tomentella).

Specimens from Italy (453 species), have been described and illustrated, and keys and comments to all known species present in Europe are provided. Descriptions are concise and line-drawings show mainly hymenial or differential characters, but they should be enough to allow a correct identification.

Very few species recorded from Italy were in very bad conditions and we preferred to perform the description and the drawings on specimens coming from France, kindly given by G. Trichies. Most of the species listed below have been collected by A. Bernicchia during more than thirty years in many Italian Regions and are kept in herbarium HUBO of the University of Bologna, Italy.

Some specimens come from L. Ryvarden’s herbarium (Oslo, Norway), and represent the result of a collecting trip across Italy during the autumn of 1984; some interesting species were collected by C. Losi, E. Martini, L. Arras, S.P. Gorjón, F. Dämmrich and very few other colleagues and friends. Four additional type species of G. Bresadola have been observed and deseribed and they come from Stockholm (S), Trento (TR) and Firenze (FI), the typus of Vararia parmastoi Boid. & Lanq. comes from Lyon (LY), and some species from Lugano (LUG). The paragraph “Substrata” is only referred to those substrata where Italian specimens have been collected. Specimens were studied following the classic methods in mycology and the reader is referred to Hjortstam et al (1987). Nomenclature follows Mycobank (Crous 2004) and Index Fungorum is considered for the author names.

Fungi Europaei is a series of monographs intended both to professional and amateur mycologists. We hope to motivate more and more people to consider the corticioid fungi among their naturalistic interests, stimulating them to the study of this particular and interesting group of fungi, to increase the knowledge and to promote their conservation.

Note bibliografiche

Prima Edizione del 2010, a copertina rigida in tela grigia, con titoli in giallo al piatto e al dorso; stampata su carta semi-lucida di buona qualità; ricca di disegni in B/N e di fotografie a colori; testo in lingua inglese.

Non semplice da reperire, soprattutto in Italia.

Stato di conservazione

Come Nuovo [il volume, probabilmente mai utilizzato, non mostra danni strutturali, strappi, segni, mancanze o usure gravi che vadano evidenziate; legatura snodata e robusta; copertine rigide pressoché intatte; coste ancora luminose]

Informazioni aggiuntive

Peso 2,72 kg
Dimensioni 19 × 24,5 × 5,5 cm
Luogo di pubblicazione


Anno di pubblicazione

Caratteristiche particolari





Colore principale


Condition n/a
Notes Il volume, probabilmente mai utilizzato, non mostra danni strutturali, strappi, segni, mancanze o usure gravi che vadano evidenziate; legatura snodata e robusta; copertine rigide pressoché intatte; coste ancora luminose.


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