Barry Bolton, Identification Guide to the Ant Genera of the world, Ed. Harvard University Press, 1994

88,00 [84,62 + I.V.A.]

This book, by the world’s leading ant taxonomist, offers a definitive guide for identifying these ubiquitous insects…

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Edizione Harvard University Press, Londra [Inghilterra], 1994 Illustrazioni Fotografie in B/N
N. Volumi 1 N. Pagine 222
Dimensioni 26 x 31 x 2,1 cm. Peso 1,43 kg.


rom subarctic tundra to equatorial rainforest, deep in the soil and at the tip of the highest tree, ants are found the world over. This book, by the world’s leading ant taxonomist, offers a definitive guide for identifying these ubiquitous insects. Barry Bolton provides identification keys to all the living ant subfamilies and genera, presented in alphabetical order and separated by zogeographical region.

Designed for professional and amateur myrmecologists alike, this guide is as accessible as it is comprehensive, including information on the function and use of identification keys, instructions for preparing specimens for examination, and an illustrated glossary of morphological terms. Over 5 scanning electron microscope photographs illustrate the taxonomic keys.

Bolton introduces each subfamily with a diagnosis of the group, followed by synoptic classifications of all genera within each subfamily, notes on broad distribution, and a list of references to all species-rank publications useful to identification. He also provides a short summary of the extinct subfamilies and includes a checklist of every name ever proposed in the classification of ants, from the rank of family down to subgenus, showing the current status and usage of each.

An updated and exhaustively expanded revision of the taxonomic keys found in Hölldobler and Wilson‘s The Ants, Bolton‘s identification guide takes its place alongside that landmark work as the foundation for the study of ants for many years to come. Barry Bolton is a Fellow of the Royal Entomological Society and is Myrmecologist, Biodiversity Division, Department of Entomology, The Natural History Museum, London.



  • Subfamily AENICTINAE
  • Subfamily ANEURETINAE
  • Subfamily APOMYRMINAE
  • Subfamily DORYLINAE
  • Subfamily ECITONINAE
  • Subfamily FORMICINAE
  • Subfamily MYRMECIINAE
  • Subfamily MYRMICINAE
  • Subfamily PONERINAE
  • The Extinct Subfamilies
    • Subfamily ARMANIINAE
    • Subfamily FORMICIINAE
    • Subfamily SPHECOMYRMINAE
  • References to Faunistic Studies
  • Glossary of Morphological Terms
  • Bibliography
  • Index and Checklist 215.
Note bibliografiche

Prima Edizione del 1994 di Harvard University Press, a copertina rigida lucida fotografica, con titoli in bianco al piatto e al dorso; rilegata a filo; ricchissima di fotografie in B/N.

Stato di conservazione

Come Nuovo [il volume non mostra danni strutturali, strappi, segni, mancanze o usure gravi che vadano evidenziate; legatura compatta e robusta; copertine rigide pressoché intatte, con minimi e trascurabili segni di vissuto e leggere opacità da sfregamento ai piatti; coste ancora luminose]

Informazioni aggiuntive

Peso 1,43 kg
Dimensioni 26 × 31 × 2,1 cm
Luogo di pubblicazione

Londra [Inghilterra]

Anno di pubblicazione

Caratteristiche particolari





Colore principale


Condition n/a
Notes Il volume non mostra danni strutturali, strappi, segni, mancanze o usure gravi che vadano evidenziate; legatura compatta e robusta; copertine rigide pressoché intatte, con minimi e trascurabili segni di vissuto e leggere opacità da sfregamento ai piatti; coste ancora luminose.


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