John Lowden, Early Christian & Byzantine Art, Ed. Phaidon, 1998

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Working from the surviving material, John Lowden explains how and why Early Christian & Byzantine art was made and used…

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Edizione Phaidon, London [UK], 1998 Illustrazioni Fotografie a colori
N. Volumi 1 N. Pagine 447
Dimensioni 16 x 22 x 2,5 cm. Peso 0,89 kg.


n the 320s, when most of Europe, North Africa and the Near East lay within the borders of the Roman Empire, the emperor Constantine moved his capital from Rome to Byzantium, which was renamed Constantinople (modern Istanbul). Under successive emperors and empresses, for more than a thousand years, artists, architects and craftsmen produced superb and intriguing works ranging from the grandest public buildings to the smallest and most personal items.

Today this art is generally termed Early Christian & Byzantine. It seeks to make the invisible manifest, and the eternal immediate. It was and is an art of extraordinary directness, but also of mystery and transcendence.

It defined the Christian tradition in art and architecture for succeeding centuries. Working from the surviving material presented here with the help of superlative photographs, many specially taken for this book, John Lowden explains how and why Early Christian & Byzantine art was made and used.

This is an accessible and authoritative book that will inspire anyone who is curious about the origins of Christian art.

John Lowden teaches at the Courtauld Institute of Art, University of London. He is an international authority on medieval and Byzantine manuscripts.



  • Introduction
  • Art before Iconoclasm
    • God and Salvation. The Formation of a Christian Art
    • Emperors and Holy Men. Constantinople and the East
    • Heretics and Bankers. Ravenna and the West
  • Iconoclasm
    • Icon or Idol? The Iconoclast Controversy
  • Art after Iconoclasm
    • Orthodoxy and Innovation. Byzantine Art c.860-c.960
    • Sacred Spaces. Decorated Churches c.960-c. 1100
    • Holy Books. Illuminated Manuscripts c.976-c. 1100
  • Byzantine Art in a Wider World
    • Perception and Reception. Art in Twelfth-Century Italy
    • Crisis and Continuity. The Sack of Constantinople
    • The End of an Era? Constantinople Regained and Lost 1261-1453
  • Glossary
  • Key Dates
  • Later Roman and Byzantine Emperors
  • Map
  • Further Reading
  • Index
  • Acknowledgements
Note bibliografiche

Ristampa della Prima Edizione pubblicata nel 1998, a copertina morbida lucida fotografica con alette, rilegata a filo, stampata su carta semi-lucida di buona qualità, e corredata da decine di fotografie a colori, anche a tutta pagina.

Stato di conservazione

Nuovo [il volume proviene da imballi originali editoriali, e quindi non è mai stato utilizzato; eventuali imperfezioni o microabrasioni, se dovessero essercene, sono da imputare al tempo trascorso dalla pubblicazione e/o all’editore stesso]

Informazioni aggiuntive

Peso 0,89 kg
Dimensioni 16 × 22 × 2,5 cm

Luogo di pubblicazione

Londra [Inghilterra]

Anno di pubblicazione





Colore principale


Condition New
Notes Il volume proviene da imballi originali editoriali, e quindi non è mai stato utilizzato; eventuali imperfezioni o microabrasioni, se dovessero essercene, sono da imputare al tempo trascorso dalla pubblicazione e/o all'editore stesso.


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