Michael A. Matthay e David H. Ingbar (edited by), Pulmonary Edema, Ed. Marcel Dekker, 1998

39,90 [38,37 + I.V.A.]

This book illuminates recent breakthroughs in understanding the pathogenesis, pathophysiology, and resolution of pulmonary edema, and highlights new therapeutic options for managing patients with accompanying acute respiratory failure.

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Edizione e Anno Marcel Dekker, New York, 1998 Illustrazioni Fotografie e disegni in B/N e a colori
N. Volumi 1 N. Pagine 638
Dimensioni 16 x 23,5 x 3,2 cm. Peso (senza imballo) 1,23 kg.

This comprehensive reference illuminates recent breakthroughs in understanding the pathogenesis, pathophysiology, and resolution of pulmonary edema, and highlights new therapeutic options for managing patients with accompanying acute respiratory failure.

Pooling the experience of more than 40 international experts in the field, Pulmonary Edema reviews state-of-the-art methods and technology for measuring transvascular fluid balance and protein flux in the lung presents the radiographic, clinical, and laboratory features of pulmonary edema in critically ill patients outlines the alveolar epithelial fluid transport capacity of the alveolar epithelium in removing edema fluid from the lung explains how sepsis, pneumonia, aspiration, and major trauma contribute to pulmonary edema assesses new approaches for treating both hydrostatic and increased-permeability pulmonary edema discusses the potential role of aquaporins in the formation and resolution of pulmonary edema describes how positive pressure ventilation may amplify the degree of acute lung injury details the mechanisms for removal of excess fluid and protein from the airspaces and interstitium of the lung examines impending clinical applications of recent basic findings in treating pulmonary edema and acute respiratory distress syndrome and more!

Featuring more than 2700 references, drawings, photographs, and equations, Pulmonary Edema is suitable for pulmonary disease, critical care, and surgical critical care specialists, chest physicians, respiratory physiologists, cardiologists, respiratory therapists, anesthesiologists, anatomists, cell biologists, cardiothoracic surgeons, general internists, pediatricians, and graduate and medical school students in these disciplines.

Note bibliografiche

Pubblicazione del 1998 a copertina rigida fotografica lucida, stampata su carta semi-lucida di buona definizione e grammatura, rilegata a filo, corredata da disegni, schemi e fotografie sia in B/N che a colori.

Sul mercato estero, a seconda dei momenti e della Libreria, le quotazioni oscillano spesso tra $100 e $200.

Stato di conservazione

Come Nuovo [nessuna scritta, strappo, segno o usura evidenti; leggerissime opacità da sfregamento tra volumi ai piatti, quasi impercettibili; legatura consistente e robusta; inscurimento delle coste ridotto e nella norma].

Informazioni aggiuntive

Peso 1,23 kg
Dimensioni 16 × 23,5 × 3,2 cm

Michael A. Matthay e David H. Ingbar (edited by)


Luogo di pubblicazione

New York [USA]

Anno di pubblicazione







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